Friday, March 1, 2013

Inferno - The master of SENuke Xcr

Patriot Parenting | 5:33 PM | | |

Inferno – The master of SENuke Xcr

Mysterious Inferno

Like I already told you about this in previous post, I still can't find the real name of the creator of SENuke Inferno. Even I have sent him an email and asked him to introduce a little about him and his success. Everything I received from his reply is "It's all the way in the review copy". But after I read the review copy, I still can't find his real name except "Inferno" - so I think I will accept this name although there are some bloggers out there call him with another name.


Who is Inferno

Inferno is the creator of SENuke Inferno, he is a longlife members of SENuke Xcr and he has been using this software since 2009 when he was a beta tester of SENuke. Inferno is a small business owner, not an affiliate marketer, he owns a local company in Georgia.
In 2007, as a person with degrees in Computer Engineering, Economics (Rutgers University, Class of 2002) and a professional background in Marketing & Sales, Inferno decided to use his knowledge of Internet to create a website for his company.
In the first month, his company earns only $1,588 online, not a big money, but it is just a beginning. In 2012, his website earns him up to $152,688.08 in business and this amount is just a portion in the overall of the company's profits. You can take a look at his income from last year here:

Inferno's Salary

SENuke Inferno by Inferno

Now, maybe you are wondering how he can grow his business to such a high-level like that. The simple answer is 'Free Traffic', especially traffic from Google. That means he tried to rank high in Google and gets more traffic from it. Inferno had tested many methods, many forms of building traffic like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Answer, LinkedIn, etc. Although these methods do work, but none of them can earn him big money except one: the single most profitable form of traffic is to build links to your site via SenukeXcr and use those links (when created properly) to boost your rankings in Google.

Inferno was very successful last year using SENuke Xcr and this year he will still be. With such experience, Inferno developed a new strategy which has never seen before and surprised even the creator of SENuke and his staff. In this March 6th, he is going to release his new product - SENukeInferno.
Find out more about SENuke Inferno and its features here.

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